How can I get the permit?
If you have been able to save enough money in your life and now you do not need to work anymore, you can benefit from the advantages of the Non Lucrative residence permit, and move to Spain:
Unlimited permission to travel to all the countries within the Schengen Area, without needing to process a different permit for each one of them.
Bring your family members with you.
Possibility to change your permit to a work permit, after just one year of non-lucrative residence
Apply for a long-term residence permit, after five years of continuous residence under a non-lucrative permit.
You have several options.
Renew your expired Non Lucrative residence permit
If you already have a non-lucrative residence permit and have stayed in Spain for at least 183 days per year, you can request its renewal for 2 more years.
The time to request its renewal goes from 60 days before the expiration date of your current permit until 90 days after it expired.
Keep in mind that this permit does not allow you to work in nor from Spain.
All pages of any applicant’s passport.
Residence card to be renewed (T.I.E).
Accreditation of financial means to keep the family unit in Spain by providing a bank certificate in the name of the main applicant with at least 67,200 euros available in his/her account, in case of single applicant. Another 16,800 euros will be added to this amount for every other member of the family applying for a permit along with the main applicant.
Private medical insurance policy that provides coverage in Spain during your period of residence, without co-payments and with no grace-periods.
Proof of being up to date with the payment of the last receipt of the health insurance policy.
In case you have minors in compulsory-schooling age under your care in Spain, you must include a certificate from a competent local authority that shows proof for their schooling.
Featured Information
- If your country is part of the Hague Convention, which is the most common case, foreign documents must be legalized with the Hague Apostille.
- If your country is not part of the Hague Convention, documents must be legalized by the authorities of issuing country as well as by the Spanish embassy in that country. Check here if your country belongs to the Hague Convention.
- Documents drawn by the authorities in these countries are exempt from legalizing or the Hague Apostille
- All documents issued in a language other than Spanish must be translated by an official sworn translator. At Visal Immigration we can take care of managing this translating service for you.
- The aforementioned documentation is not an exhaustive list, which means that during the permit process, the Spanish Administration may request more information or further documents.
- You should keep in mind that at Visal Immigration we will help you processing your residence permit, but not your physical card (T.I.E.). Thus, when your permit is granted, you will have to go to the National Police station in your city to request your card and pay the fees for the police (around 12 euros). Please note that this fee exclusively corresponds to the issuance of the physical card (TIE), and therefore IS not included in our fees to process the residence permit.
363€. VAT and Immigration fees included
- If you are still missing a document, our lawyers will help you get it in the most efficient way.
- You will be able to gradually complete your request from our Customers Area, as your documents are available to you.
- Once you have hired our services you will be granted access to our login area where you will be allowed to upload each of your documents.
01. Complete with your personal details
If you already registered before enter your username and password below to sign in.
If you don´t have an account please fill complete the following form.
Permit: Renew your expired Non Lucrative residence permit
Change from a Non Lucrative permit to a working permit
If you have already spent a year in Spain under a Non-Profit residence permit and want to work for a company in this country, you can benefit from the advantages of changing your permit to one that will allow you to work.
In order to be able to work for a company in Spain, you will not have to overcome what it is known as the National Employment Situation.
You can request the modification of your current non-profit residence permit (and those of your relatives) within the period from 60 days prior to the expiration date of current permits up to 90 days after they actually expired.
It is mandatory to have stayed at least 183 days per year in Spain during the residence under the previous permit.
The modification of your residence permit to be allowed to work in Spain as an employee will be granted for 2 years.
All pages of any applicant’s passport.
Residence card to be modified (T.I.E).
Criminal Record from each country where you have lived during the last 5 years, duly legalized, updated and translated, when necessary.
A work contract that proves a permanent working relationship for the period of validity of the work authorization that is being requested. The duration of the contract must be at least one year and must provide income above the Spanish full-time minimum wage.
Private medical insurance policy that provides coverage in Spain during your period of residence, without co-payments and with no grace-periods.
Proof of being up to date with the payment of the last receipt of the health insurance policy.
In case you have minors in compulsory-schooling age under your care in Spain, you must include a certificate from a competent local authority that shows proof for their schooling.
Proof of having the legal training or qualification required for the exercise of the profession for which you are going to be hired. Academic diplomas and CV.
Accreditation by hiring company to have sufficient economic, material or personal means to carry out the activity intended and to meet the obligations assumed in the work contract.
NIF certificate of the company.
Hiring company official set-up documents, where the name of current administrator is shown.
In case the person signing the application for the modification of the permit is different to the administrator of the hiring company, a signed authorization signed by the administrator must be presented.
DNI or TIE of the person submitting the application (usually the administrator of hiring company).
For companies with less than 4 workers, the last 4 quarterly VAT tax declarations filed with the Spanish Tax Agency.
Featured Information
- All documents issued in a language other than Spanish must be translated by an official sworn translator. At Visal Immigration we can take care of managing this translating service for you.
- The aforementioned documentation is not an exhaustive list, which means that during the permit process, the Spanish Administration may request more information or further documents.
- You should keep in mind that at Visal Immigration we will help you processing your residence permit, but not your physical card (T.I.E.). Thus, when your permit is granted, you will have to go to the National Police station in your city to request your card and pay the fees for the police (around 12 euros). Please note that this fee exclusively corresponds to the issuance of the physical card (TIE), and therefore IS not included in our fees to process the residence permit.
726€. VAT and Immigration fees included
- If you are still missing a document, our lawyers will help you get it in the most efficient way.
- You will be able to gradually complete your request from our Customers Area, as your documents are available to you.
- Once you have hired our services you will be granted access to our login area where you will be allowed to upload each of your documents.
01. Complete with your personal details
If you already registered before enter your username and password below to sign in.
If you don´t have an account please fill complete the following form.